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Thank you for your interest in presenting to the ISC2 Central New York Chapter.
The ISC2 Central New York Chapter is accepting submissions for 50-minute presentations, including time for questions and answers. All topics related to computer, network, and information security are welcome, including:
Please provide your name, email address, and phone number:
Please provide the following details about your presentation:
If you want us to share your presentation with attendees, please select yes, and provide the slide deck under "Presentation Upload".
Security and Risk Management
Asset Security
Security Engineering
Communication and Network Security
Identity and Access Management
Security Assessment and Testing
Security Operations
Software Development Security
I will be showing a PowerPoint.
The presentation includes sound (video, music, etc.)
I would like a wireless remote clicker to advance slides.
I will require internet accessibility.
I will be showing a DVD.
I will need to play a CD
I will require a podium.
I will require a microphone on a stand.
I would like to play a video announcement.
I will require a computer projector
I will require a document/transparency projector
I will bring my own equipment
Scheduling and Contact Preferences:
Meetings are on Tuesday's from 5:30pm to 7pm or 8pm.
Please select the date you would like to present.